A multimedia project by Roosevelt University journalism students in the Convergence Newsroom course that takes an intimate look at Homelessness in Chicago, capturing the faces, voices and stories of those on the front lines.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reflections - "Be Thankful"

By Ashley Mouldon
When I was younger and would scrap my knee after playing in the yard, my mom would give me a sweet smile and heal me with a band aid, but told me to be thankful I even had a knee to scrape. Now that I am older, I use that train of thought whenever something negative happens in my life.

Recently, the heat in my apartment wasn’t working and for a few days, I had to double up on clothing rather than just cranking the heat up to 75. However, those few days made me realize that I should be thankful I even have heat to go broken.

Homelessness was something I wasn’t use to before coming to Chicago. Everyone I knew had a roof over their heads and a place to call home.

Now, being in the city for three years, I have come in contact with those who call the street corner their home. Whenever I see people asking for spare change, I always give them a smile and think of what my mom would tell me: be thankful you have the change to give away.

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