A multimedia project by Roosevelt University journalism students in the Convergence Newsroom course that takes an intimate look at Homelessness in Chicago, capturing the faces, voices and stories of those on the front lines.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reflections - "Evening Snapshot"

By Jeff Schaefer
It’s a typical evening on a Wednesday night up on Michigan Avenue. The sounds of traffic fill the air as people walk by, going about their own business.

However, the commonplace sight of those down on their luck rhythmically shaking cups of change was absent.

On the other hand, there was a slightly atypical sight. Across from the Walgreens on Michigan and Washington was a pair of percussionists rhythmically hitting their makeshift drums, a sight and sound ordinarily heard on State Street.

As the pair banged away on their drums, there was a man in a wheelchair recording them on his camera phone. Other people stopped to look on, some only as long as the light was red before continuing to cross the street.

The next few blocks up, people continued on with their business with no disruptors asking for some change. However, returning back down, the drummers continued on beating their drums for all to hear.

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